Yearly Archives: 2013

Split Infinitives

What are split infinitives? Split infinitives occur when an adverb is placed between the two components of the infinitive: to and the verb. Infinitives are: to go, to walk, to speak, to love, etc. Examples of split infinitives are: Paul

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Posted in Style

The Comma Splice

What is a comma splice? A comma splice, generally considered to be a style error in English,  occurs when a comma is used to connect two main clauses (clauses that can stand alone as complete sentences) or those linked by

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Posted in Style

Creating a Style Sheet

One top tip of mine for proofreading and copy-editing is to create a style sheet as you go through the document. Of course, you should always follow the house style provided by your client/employer, but, in the case that you

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Posted in Proofreading/copy-editing

Order of Adjectives

Have you every wondered why it sounds more natural to say ‘my little black phone’, for example, than ‘my black little phone’? The reason is that there is an accepted order of adjectives, should more than one be used to

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Posted in Grammar

Recommended Reading

Need to hone your proofreading skills? Need a really good reference book or dictionary but not sure which one to go for? Check out The Proofreading Agency’s recommended reading list! I can personally vouch for The Proofreading Training Pack; it has excellent explanations

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