Blog - Proofreading and Copy Editing

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‘I before E except after C’ – techniques for remembering tricky spellings

It may have the olde-worlde ring of a quaint but questionable proverb, and has indeed been much maligned in recent years, but there’s more truth to this well-known rule than initially meets the eye (or E). Here, we take a

Full stop? Or not?

Is Mr. and Mrs. acceptable or not? No… this is not a posting on the merits of marriage! It’s about the full stop at the end of ‘Mr.’ or ‘Mrs.’. Do we need it? There are other examples too, of

Defining things or adding information? – Correcting relative clauses

Everybody loves a quiz, don’t they? Well, if you do, read on. Relative clauses (sentence components starting with ‘who’, ‘which’, ‘that’, ‘whom’ or ‘whose’) are quite possibly one of the most confusing areas of English grammar. Just when you think

Apostrophe catastrophes

Considering it is no more than a squiggle – a comma suspended in mid-air – it’s amazing how much trouble the humble apostrophe can cause. Most commonly used with an ‘s’, it can wreak grammatical havoc in a number of

Who is Hugh Jackilometresan? – The Dangers of Find and Replace

Players of Trivial Pursuit have been amused and baffled in recent years by the inclusion of a question about that well-known Australian actor Hugh Jackilometresan. Find and replace the space In a previous blog post, we sang the praises of