Blog - Proofreading and Copy Editing

Deciding What to Correct

Proofreaders are responsible for finding errors and consistencies and then deciding whether or not to correct them. This will depend on the time/budget allocated for a publication. Proofreaders are the last to read a publication before it goes to print; making too many corrections at this stage will delay the project and increase the cost.

Proofreaders must consider whether a correction is essentialdesirable or luxurious. 

Essential corrections must always be made! Examples are:

  • a glaring fault in the typography, design or layout of the material
  • a typographical error
  • a factual error

Desirable corrections are made depending on the number of essential corrections and if time/budget allows. Examples are:

  • a bad line break
  • a glaring inconsistency in editorial style
  • poor writing that causes confusion or misinterpretation of the text

Luxurious corrections should be avoided at the proofreading stage. Examples are:

  • less than elegant layout
  • a hidden inconsistency in editorial style
  • infelicitous prose

Always check with the publisher what level of proofreading they require!

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