To Use Our Services

Standard services

Email us for a quote

Send the following information to to get a quote:

  1. a sample of your document (two to three pages from different sections)  
  2. the total word count
  3. the service(s) you require: proofreading, or proofreading + copy-editing
  4. your desired completion date

Note: Documents that are sent to us in MS Word format for proofreading and/or copy-editing will be edited using the ‘Track Changes’ facility, which means you can review the changes made. If you send your document in a different file and wish to review the changes, we may suggest to you that we create and work with a Word file of your document to enable you to do this.

If you would prefer to receive a paper copy of your document marked up with the British Standard BS 5261C: 2005 proofreading symbols, then please state this when submitting your work.

We can provide a free sample edit for a maximum of 500 words for documents with more than 10,000 words.

What happens next?

We will confirm the cost bracket that your document falls into and to agree on a deadline. Payment must be made in full in advance.

We may contact you again at a later stage with any queries relating to ambiguities in your document, or issues that can only be resolved through discussion with you. We will do this before making the final changes to your text.

Contractual services

After the first project with us, if you are interested in using our service regularly, we may be able to offer a lower rate.  If you are interested in this then please email us giving a brief description of your requirements.