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Making words mean what you want: 2

‘Sure, if I reprehend any thing in this world it is the use of my oracular tongue, and a nice derangement of epitaphs!’ Mrs Malaprop in Sheridan’s The Rivals Fortunately, few speakers or writers, real or fictional, misuse words to

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Posted in Proofreading/copy-editing, Vocabulary

The whys, wherefores, therefores and therebys

  ‘O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?’ William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, Act II, Scene ii This famous question must be the most misinterpreted line in all of the Bard’s many works. Students across the generations have taken it

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Posted in Proofreading/copy-editing, Vocabulary

Difficulties with ‘and’

I’d like you to understand, doctor. I grant you it’s easy enough to choose between a ‘but’ and an ‘and.’ It’s a bit more difficult to decide between ‘and’ and ‘then.’ But definitely the hardest thing may be to know

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Posted in Grammar, Proofreading/copy-editing

Go easy on the exclamation marks!

A December blog post seems the perfect opportunity to wish you ‘Merry Christmas!’ or ‘Happy Holidays!’ (depending on your beliefs or lack of), and also to reflect on the use and overuse of the exclamation mark. According to some sources1,

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Posted in Proofreading/copy-editing, Punctuation

Reference – pronouns and the importance of human proofreaders

I wrote in a previous blog post (Plausible typos and homophones) about the continued importance of human proofreaders and their superiority (for now) over computers. Another area where humans’ use of contextual inference outperforms machines’ analysis is the grammatical issue

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Posted in Grammar, Proofreading/copy-editing, Reference